| the acoustic slide guitar toward the right, both in the mix, and on this page, is a Weissenborn |
There but for the grace of God go I... It's a saying I've heard all my life. I just Googled it and learned that it is a "proverbial saying" of contested origin. There But 4 came from my awareness that as far as the human condition goes, I've lived an amazingly lucky and fulfilling life. I'm not saying that I haven't gone through my own set of difficulties. I am saying that when I look around at all of the pain, suffering, loneliness, despair, illness, poverty, strife and unfairness of the human condition, I feel fortunate beyond words. That was my state of mind when I wrote There But 4. The acoustic slide instrument I'm playing (to the right in the mix) is a Weissenborn - a lovely Koa wood acoustic instrument built expressly to be played with a slide.
Many thanks to Paul Olguin on bass and Karl Perazzo on congas. I'm grateful to both of them for bringing their deep musical roots to this track.